Monday 14 March 2016

The Growing Demand For Foam Insulation In Commercial Construction 

When we think about insulation we generally envision colorful rolls of pink or yellowish fiberglass batting material. This type of insulation has been around since the 1930's and can still be found in many homes and commercial properties across the United States. Batting material was cut into strips and fit between the studs on the wall or joists in the attic, basement or crawl space.

The fiberglass batting was much safer than the material used in the previous centuries. Although it is much safer it still poses a significant risk to your health if inhaled. Although fiberglass insulation is a good insulate it is still ineffective as a vapor and air barrier if isn't installed properly. In humid areas the insulation will begin to sag overtime and become less effective as well.

Today insulated foam is used in almost all commercial construction projects because it provides a higher insulation rating and is far more effective at sealing out vapor and air. Another advantage for humid climates is that it is inorganic so mold can't grow or form in small cracks and crevices behind your walls.

Spray foam as an insulation is made up of polyurethane polymers. This was first introduced in the bodies of cars and then later moved into the housing industry and was used on a limited basis. Around the 1970's the application process improved, the cost for installation dropped and it became a much more affordable option.

The spray foam insulation of today has proved to be more energy efficient and with each improvement the "green ratings" are improving. The R-value rating is used to measure the energy efficiency of insulation - the higher the R-Value the better your insulation is working. Spray foam insulation has a higher R-value than fiberglass insulation.

There are two types of spray foam insulation used in construction projects - open cell and closed cell insulation. Open cell foam is made up of foam cells that are not fully closed, so air fills the open space inside of the material. An added benefit of open cell insulation is that it is also a good sound barrier.  

Closed cell insulation is an excellent insulation and is made up of fully closed cells that are densely packed together. The foam is filled with gas that enables it to rise and expand making it more dense than open cell.

Closed cell foam has an R-Value of 5.4 - 7.2 per inch whereas, open cell foam has an R-Value of 3.4 - 4.5 per inch.

The benefits of spray foam insulation for commercial use are many. The insulation is inorganic so it has no interest to insects and mold spores. Spray foam is applied in liquid form and expands to conform to the open space where it is being applied which works as an excellent sealant to fill the smallest of gaps. Spray foam easily adheres to any clean and dry surface and will not shrink, settle or disintegrate.

Although foam insulation is more expensive to have installed than the traditional fiberglass batting but it offers a considerable number of benefits to include the longevity of this type of insulation material.

With the increased focus on energy efficiency, spray foam insulation will undoubtedly continue to grow in popularity. For more information about Denver commercial insulation for your home or commercial property call Spray Foam Pros at 720-259-4505.

Commercial Spray Foam Application

1 comment:

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