Monday, 29 June 2015

Don’t Build Your Business on Rented Social Media and Facebook Land!

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don't build your business on rented social media digital land

What happens to your anxiety level and blood pressure when you think about Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram going away? Does it rise? Does it stress you out?

If Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Snapchat were to drop off the face of the earth tomorrow what would happen to your business? Would your business be negatively impacted? Would it thrive or would it crumble under algorithm changes and paid media models being aggressively implemented by every social network that hits prime time.

Are you building your business on digital property that you own? Or are you too dependent upon the social networks and larger social ecosystem for your business success?

Are you building your business on rented land? Are you building your business on social land that is far from a solid foundation to build your life and business upon?

Building your business foundation on digital and social networks you don’t own puts your business at much risk. You have no control on what these social networks do, what happens with their product roadmaps or how your audience and ideal customer react to their upcoming changes in the future.

Simply take a look at Facebook, Twitter and any social network for that matter and you’ll see how quickly they are changing. Facebook organic reach is in the tanker. Brand and digital marketers who put all of their social eggs in the organic Facebook basket are being hit incredibly hard.

Don’t let this happen to you. You need to build your own plan, strategy and integrated platform that inspires, attracts, engages and nurtures your ideal customer. You need to look past the numbers and market segment statistics and connect with real human beings in real ways on your owned digital property. You should be integrating influencer marketing, content marketing and tapping into the power of the OPC (other people’s content and community) and the list goes on.

The social networks should be igniting your business and helping you achieve your goals, not be your only oxygen for survival. Big difference.

Take a listen to the 144th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn why you must not build your business on rented social media land.

Be sure to subscribe to the entire series on iTunesStitcher or SoundCloud!

In this 15 minute podcast you will learn: 

  • Why you must stop building your business on rented social media land
  • Why you need a digital and social home base and integrated marketing hub that you own
  • The importance of integrating email marketing and other tactics for growing community and nurturing relationships
  • Importance of increasing number of subscribers to all of your platforms
  • Why you must stop Random Acts of Marketing
  • You can now blog on numerous platforms such as Medium, Snapchat, Twitter vs just a traditional blog

Supporting Resources:

social_zoom_factorHow to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast 

from Pam Marketing Nut

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Don’t Build Your Business on Rented Social Media and Facebook Land!

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