Friday, 2 September 2016

5 Step Success Strategy to Prioritize Social Networks for Your Business

prioritize social networks for business

Every marketer and business leader is faced with the challenge of where to prioritize their time and investment. Time is our greatest asset in both business and life. How we spend our time can make or break business and marketing success.

When it comes to digital marketing, social media and branding, it is no different. In my 20 years of business and marketing experience I have never heard a marketer exclaim, “I have so much time, resource & budget I don't know what to do with it.”

Unfortunately, there are far too many “experts” online touting that you must be on every new shiny object and social network. They'll even go so far as to warn you that if you don't start snapping on Snapchat, storytelling on Instagram and delivering live video on Periscope that your business is destined to fail. Let me tell you right now this is 100% false.

Marketing and business leaders must give themselves permission to prioritize. You do not need to be everywhere all the time. You do not need to treat every social network equal nor spend the same amount of time and investment on every social network. You do not need to work 24/7, 365 days of the year to be successful. Release your fear of missing out and start prioritizing your time and investment of money and resource.

The truth is that the more you focus and prioritize, the better your results will be. Stop only playing around with the social networks. Instead, get serious, get focused and you will start seeing real results.

It's not just about what the technology will do for you, but instead, what you can do with the technology. You are in control of your business, your time and your investment in social media, period.Click To Tweet

What matters is where your audience and target customer is online. You must be where they are. You must deliver them value where they are, using methods, language and mediums that will inspire them, connect with them and bring them closer to your brand.

How do you prioritize what social networks you invest in for business success? How do you know where you should engage? How do you determine where your audience is hanging out online so you can build the most meaningful relationship with them as possible? How do you achieve a positive ROI using social media and digital technologies and strategies?

Take a listen to episode 214 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn our 5 Step Success Strategy and Tactics to prioritize what social networks you invest in for your business.

Be sure to subscribe to our entire digital and social media marketing series on iTunesStitcher or SoundCloud!

In this 30 minute podcast you will learn: 

  • 5 Step Strategies and tactics to prioritize what social networks you invest in for business.

  • Why you must get real on your time and budget available to invest in social media

  • What skills you must have to be successful at social media for business

  • How to leverage the data available natively via the different social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more

  • The difference between a business goal, KPI and objective

  • Tips to set goals, measure results and continuously optimize

  • What to look for when you do a monthly audit and refresh of your online social presence and efforts

  • How to prioritize and select tools for analysis, measurement and audience research

  • Suggested tools for audience research

  • Why it's not about what the technology can do for you, but instead what you can do with the technology

Supporting Resources:

Free webinars: We are also launching a series of webinars and training opportunities to dig even deeper. Sign up here-> You are the Media – Building Your Media Foundation

social_zoom_factorHow to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast 

from Pam Marketing Nut


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5 Step Success Strategy to Prioritize Social Networks for Your Business

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