Monday, 14 November 2016

The Future of Social Media (And How to Prepare For It): The State of Social Media 2016 Report

Imagine being able to predict the next big thing on social media, knowing what social media will look like in 2017 and beyond and how will brands use social platforms to connect with their audience.

As someone who works with social media every day, this information would be invaluable.

At Buffer, we're always eager to dig up new research into social media marketing - things like how marketers are using social media and what they're excited about heading into 2017.

To better understand how social media marketing is changing, we collected data from over 1,200 marketers to create the State of Social Media 2016 report. The report shows us how marketers, from businesses of all sizes are approaching social media marketing.

Check out our data-packed report on the State of Social Media below, and join the conversation using #StateOfSocial16.

A handy guide to navigating what's coming up next in the social media world.

3 Key Social Media Takeaways to Guide Your Marketing in 2017

1. Video is about to hit the peak! Now's the time to get on. ”</p

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